Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
f(0): ""
f(1): "("f(0)")"
f(2): "("f(0)")"f(1) , "("f(1)")"
f(3): "("f(0)")"f(2) , "("f(1)")"f(1) , "("f(2)")"
f(n): "("f(0)")"f(n-1) , "("f(1)")"f(n-2) , "("f(2)")"f(n-3) ... "("f(n-1)")"
class Solution {
private lateinit var list: MutableList<String>
fun generateParenthesis(n: Int): List<String> {
list = mutableListOf()
generateParenthesis(n, 0, "")
return list
private fun generateParenthesis(n: Int, stack: Int, s: String) {
when {
n < 0 || stack < 0 -> return
n == 0 && stack == 0 -> list.add(s)
else -> {
generateParenthesis(n - 1, stack + 1, s + "(")
generateParenthesis(n, stack - 1, s + ")")
class Solution {
fun generateParenthesis(n: Int): List<String> {
val list = mutableListOf<List<String>>()
var temp: MutableList<String>
for (i in 1..n) {
temp = mutableListOf()
for (j in 0 until i) {
for (first in list[j]) {
list[i - 1 - j].mapTo(temp) { "($first)$it" }
return list[n]